Assessing the current regulatory framework related to business permits and authorizations and provide proposals for simplification of the legislation aiming at reducing the administrative burden for firms
Start date: | September 2024 |
End date: | in the process of implementation |
Country: | Moldova |
Lead partner: | GLCC SOLUTIONS LLC, Georgia |
Client: | Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization / Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank MSME Competitiveness Project |
Origin of funding: | World Bank |
Objectives of the Assignment
There are currently 133 permits included into the annex to Law 160/2011, of which 22 are licenses, 82 – authorizations and 29 – certificates. Other permits will be assessed and identified during this Assignment. The main objective of the Assignment are:
- Conduct an assessment to review all business permits with the aim to compile the Inventory of all, including those, which need to be identified, permissive documents.
- Review the business permits established by Law 160/2011 and those related to EU, to ensure compliance of those with the principles of better regulation
UNDP Resilient and Inclusive Markets in Moldova project: Consulting services for policy formulation at national level and improved regulatory environment
Start date: | June 2024 |
End date: | August 2024 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Resilient and Inclusive Markets in Moldova project, UNDP Moldova |
CAAP developed and delivered an assessment of potential benefits for the private sector, which might be generated by the deregulation packages no. 6 and no. 7, proposed for public consultations by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of Moldova.
UNDP AdTrade project: Consulting services for policy formulation at national level and improved regulatory environment
Start date: | November 2023 |
End date: | December 2023 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | AdTrade project, UNDP Moldova |
CAAP developed and delivered an assessment of potential benefits for the private sector, which might be generated by the deregulation packages no. 4 and no. 5, proposed for public consultations by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of Moldova.
Building capacity for Impact Assessment (IA) through a training program for civil servants and developing recommendations for normative framework under the Second Competitiveness Enhancement Project (CEP II)
Start date: | October 2019 |
End date: | September 2020 |
Country: | Moldova |
Lead partner: | Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) Europe |
Client: | World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement II Project (CEP II) |
Origin of funding: | World Bank |
The key accomplishments of the project:
- Development of a detailed IA manual on carrying out the impact analysis for civil servants from ministries and other major stakeholders. Translated into Russian and Romanian.
- Development of IA Guidelines, based on the IA manual and the updated new IA methodology, to serve for high level officials as practical support to help understand and use IA in the decision-making process. Translated into Russian and Romanian.
- Designing an in-depth IA training course and training of 103 technical civil servants from central public administration authorities, consultants from parliamentary committees, representatives of business associations in 5 rounds of training lasting 5 days each. The training sought by UK expert practitioners – a world leader in the application of public sector impact analysis – and other international and local experts.
- Designing a short IA (up to one day) awareness training course, including training program, materials, case studies, etc., for high level officials.
- Delivering short IA courses for high level officials and training 46 participants (out of 60 invited). 3 rounds of training were organised lasting up to one day. The course was delivered by a group of UK practitioners and local experts with experience in the field.
- Technical assistance (TA) provided to line ministries in planning and developing pilot impact analyses: TA to 3 RIA reports delivered.
- The materials of the proposed IA course for the Academy of Public Administration developed.
- Delivering Training of Trainers (ToT) course to 17 trainers from the Academy of Public Administration, SEIR and other selected institutions.
- Analysis of the existing regulatory and practical framework in the field of impact analysis and elaboration of proposals for improvement, including regulatory amendments.
- Analysis of existing “regulatory” web platforms in Moldova and development of a new improved web-based electronic IA platform to serve as an efficient communication and informative tool for business society and public authorities.
Organization of a Study Tour to learn from Moldovan experience in the regulatory reform with a focus on inspection reform
IFC Ukraine funded “Organization of a Study Tour to learn from Moldovan experience in the regulatory reform with a focus on inspection reform” project. The project was implemented in July 2017. The Delegation included two representatives of IFC Ukraine office, nine officials from the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine, and regulators in field of: food safety, labor, fire, and construction inspections, as well as representatives of nonprofit sector, involved in the Deregulation reform in Ukraine.
Start date: | July 2017 |
End date: | September 2017 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | IFC Ukraine Investment Climate Reform Project |
Origin of funding: | IFC Ukraine |
Organization of a Study Tour to learn from Moldovan experience in the inspection reform, including application of ICT tools
IFC Ukraine Agri Investment Climate (Ukr Ag IC) Project “Organization of a Study Tour to learn from Moldovan experience in the inspection reform, including application of ICT tools” implemented during 2015.03-2015.04. The Delegation comprised five officials of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, as well as representatives of nonprofit sector, involved in the Deregulation reform in Ukraine.
Start date: | March 2015 |
End date: | April 2015 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | IFC Ukraine Agri Investment Climate Project |
Origin of funding: | IFC |
Development of Methodology for Analysis of Regulatory Constraints for Value Chains Competitiveness
Development of Methodology for Analysis of Regulatory Constraints for Value Chains Competitiveness, project financed by Development Alternatives Incorporated Europe during 2013-2014. Project goal: Development of a standard methodology for the analysis of regulatory constraints on value chain competitiveness (Methodology). This Methodology was to be used by the Ministry of Economy on an annual basis as well as other state agencies, as outlined in Moldova’s Regulatory Reform Strategy.
Start date: | October 2013 |
End date: | April 2014 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI) Europe |
Origin of funding: | IFC Moldova Investment Climate Reform Project |
Legal/Regulatory, Institutional and ICT Needs Assessment of Moldova’s National Food Safety Agency (ANSA)
Legal/Regulatory, Institutional and ICT Needs Assessment of Moldova’s National Food Safety Agency (ANSA): towards boosting Moldova’s agri-food exports on the EU market” in the Republic of Moldova. Client: Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group (CPM). Project implemented during 2013-2014.
• The purpose of this needs assessment was to put together a comprehensive action plan along with some concrete practical tools for supporting the newly created ANSA in addressing the gaps of legal/regulatory, institutional and ICT nature in the current food safety system that hinder the access of Moldovan agro-food products on the EU markets.
Start date: | October 2013 |
End date: | April 2014 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Corporate & Public Management Consulting Group (CPM) |
Origin of funding: | International Finance Corporation (IFC) |
Principles of Sustainability in Integrated Space Development Concept in Urban Settlements from Cross Border Region
Principles of Sustainability in Integrated Space Development Concept in Urban Settlements from Cross Border Region. Lead partner: Community Development Centre Iasi, 2013-10 – 2014-10: Development of the study on the integrated spatial development concepts in urban settlements and the needs to develop urban settlements in an integrated spatial manner in cross-border area: good and grounded overview on the new directions and principals of urban development and needs for integrated urban development in cross-border area.
Start date: | October 2013 |
End date: | October 2014 |
Country: | Moldova, Romania |
Lead partner: | Community Development Centre Iasi |
Origin of funding: | 2007 – 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC |
Assist the Government (Ministry of Constructions and the Ministry of Economy) to develop draft modifications to laws and regulations in construction permits area, including post-harvest infra, esp. cold storages buildings
Inputs to the design and content of the modifications to the existing legislation in construction permits. The assignment covered also inspection in construction. The main activities under this assignment were:
– Detailed Work Plan for the assignment, which included information gathering
– Identification of priority laws and regulations to be modified for a short term impact
– Draft package of modifications to laws and draft package of modifications to regulations, which include assessment and re-engineering of permits in construction.
– Regulatory Impact Assessment of the proposed modifications
– Public consultation.
Start date: | January 2013 |
End date: | March 2013 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | World Bank/IFC Moldova |
Origin of financing: | World Bank/IFC Moldova |
LeaderSHE project
LeaderSHE project – project financed by US Embassy in Moldova during 2012-2013. The project had the objective to develop and support 50 young ladies (16-18 years old) in their leadership abilities, self-discovery, respect for diversity, healthy decision-making, and civic engagement in order to contribute to the emergence and development of the strong women leaders’ generation in Moldova.
Start date: | 2012 |
End date: | 2013 |
Country: | Moldova |
Origin of funding: | US Embassy Moldova |
Assisting the Government and the Ministry of Economy in elaboration of the Risk Based Inspections Methodology
Assisting the Government and the Ministry of Economy in elaboration of the Risk Based Inspections Methodology. Project financed by IFC/World Bank Group, Moldova in 2012.
• CAAP team has developed the recommendations for general methodology on risk-based inspection, which can be used as guidelines by any inspection body in Moldova, including National Food Safety Agency, in developing their own risk-based approach for inspections. Based on recommended methodology, with assistance from CAAP team, Ministry of Economy developed the draft Government Decision on Approval of Methodological Norms for Planning State Control of Business Activity Based on Analysis of Risk Criteria. This Draft Government Decision have been sent for consultation to the main stakeholders, mainly inspection bodies.
Start date: | September 2012 |
End date: | December 2012 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | IFC/World Bank Group, Moldova |
Origin of funding: | IFC/World Bank Group |
Conducting a national level survey of businesses about inspections in Moldova
Conducting a national level survey of businesses about inspections in Moldova to:
• Assess the situation with business inspections through face to face interviews with top representatives of businesses, and
• Obtain and provide reliable empirical data to formulate policy recommendations that would facilitate improvements in the business environment in Moldova.
About 1450 businesses have been interviewed. The project was financed by IFC/World Bank Group, Moldova, and was implemented during 2012-2013.
Start date: | March 2012 |
End date: | June 2012 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | IFC/World Bank Group, Moldova |
Origin of funding: | IFC/World Bank Group |
A trans border approach to cultural heritage management and valorization
A trans border approach to cultural heritage management and valorization, Lead partner: The National Arts Museum of Moldova, 2011-04 – 2012-04. The objective of the project is to valorise art and cultural heritage through professional profiles specialized in management, cataloguing and valorisation of cultural heritage and by sharing and adopting common practices of intervention.
Start date: | April 2011 |
End date: | April 2012 |
Country: | Moldova, Romaia, Ukraine |
Lead partner: | The National Arts Museum of Moldova |
Origin of funding: | 2007 – 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC |
Fostering local public administration towards the EU standards and best practices
Fostering local public administration towards the EU standards and best practices, Lead partner: Academy of Public Administration of RM, 2011-03 – 2012-03: The project promoted the cooperation of the Institutes for Training to Public Administration in Moldova, Romania and Ukraine and to improve their competences to train and provide capacity building to Local Authorities civil servants aiming at improving the quality of public services towards an efficient and skilled public administration, adapted to European standards.
Start date: | March 2011 |
End date: | March 2012 |
Country: | Moldova, Romania, Ukraine |
Lead partner: | Academy of Public Administration of the Republic of Moldova |
Origin of funding: | 2007 – 2013 Romania-Ukraine-Moldova ENPI CBC |
Integrated Municipal Financial Software for Standard Budgetary Accounting
Integrated Municipal Financial Software for Standard Budgetary Accounting
• One of the major CAAP activities during 2007-2010 was the implementation of the Integrated Municipal Financial Software (IMFS) for Standard Budgetary Accounting in cooperation with Ministry of Finance. The IMFS was successfully implemented in more than one hundred localities in Moldova. This activity of CAAP was carried out by former experts of USAID Local Government Reform Project (2002-2007).
Start date: | July 2007 |
End date: | December 2010 |
Country: | Moldova |
Origin of funding: | Self financing |
Monitoring of public budgets
Monitoring of public budgets (funded by Soros Moldova Foundation)
• Analysis methodologies and indicators for budget planning in the social and medical field.
• Monitoring of public information on budget execution, including programs planned in this fields
• Analysis and presentation of performance indicators in the fields of EU and comparative analysis with the RM
• Develop recommendations and proposals on the quality of budget execution for 2009 to improve the future financial management in social field.
• Study on efficiency budget mechanism for achieving social development and identify indicators to measure it.
Start date: | May 2009 |
End date: | June 2009 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Origin of funding: | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Implementation of Project National Quality Award in Moldova in cooperation with Business Research Company
Implementation of Project National Quality Award in Moldova in cooperation with Business Research Company (World Bank financing)
• Provided the Government of Moldova with assessment of 20 Moldovan companies pretending to National Quality Award according to EFQM Quality Excellence Model stated in the Government Decision nr. 1033 dated September 14, 2007;
• Enable Moldovan Government to adopt the decision on winners to National Quality Award.
• Responsible for preparation of all reports of project implementation
• Assisting in organizing the award event.
Start date: | November 2008 |
End date: | February 2009 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Business Research Company |
Origin of funding: | World Bank Moldova |
Local Budget Transparency
Local Budget Transparency (funded by Soros Moldova Foundation) covered Nisporeni and Leova communities.
• Monitoring of Budget Planning and information of community about the process (Public Hearings on Budget, Strategic Planning)
• Transparency of decisions and monitoring of budget execution (Develop a questionnaire that was fulfill at each meeting of the Local Council)
• Budget execution process and reporting the budget execution at the Local Council.
Start date: | September 2008 |
End date: | September 2009 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Origin of funding: | Soros Foundation Moldova |
Strengthening the Local Governance in Moldova Through Improved Transparency of Local Budgets
Strengthening the Local Governance in Moldova Through Improved Transparency of Local Budgets in cooperation with CASE Moldova and CASE Poland (funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, the program “Polish Aid 2007” and the Central European Initiative (Italy)
• Consulting and training ten local authorities from two rayon’s Orhei and Cahul on preparation of Public Hearings on budget within the project with CASE Foundation from Poland.
• Conduct real Public Hearings in ten local authorities
• A four-day Study Tour to Poland Mayoralties in more than 8 communities.
• Organizing in December 2007,in Chisinau, a two-day’s Conference on Strengthening the Local Governance In Moldova Through Improved Transparency of Local Budgets. At this conference participated over 150 civil servants from over 80 communities of RM.
• Manual that contains the Conclude Report on the project activities
Start date: | July 2007 |
End date: | December 2007 |
Country: | Moldova |
Client: | Center for Social and Economic Research |
Origin of funding: | CASE Poland |
Financial and Legal Due-Diligence of potential subgrantee of the USAID Agribusiness Development Program
Financial and Legal Due-Diligence of potential subgrantee of the USAID Agribusiness Development Program (ADP) implemented by CNFA
CAAP carried out due-diligence of three potential subgrantee companies that applied for grants of around USD 500.000 each.
Contract amount: USD 18 320.
Duration: 3 months (one month for due-diligence of each potential subgrantee company, during the April – October 2005)
Local Agenda 21
CAAP implemented Local Agenda 21 project (funded by UNDP) in four communities: Cărpineni, Ciuciuleni, Vălcineţ şi Selişte
Contract amount: USD 25 700. Duration: 6 months (June – November 2003)
Within the project provided the following services:
• Consulted and assisted four rural localities with developing local strategies for sustainable development, which cover simultaneously the economic, social and ecological dimensions of development
• Delivered seminars in Diagnostic Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Strategy and Action Plan Development
• Provided assistance in enhancing the sustainable development capacity of the localities through seminars and training in business development, NGO development, local budgeting, and local public administration.
• Organized 50 training sessions and seminars regarding regional capacity building
Technical Assistance, Consulting and Professional Training for Local Public Authorities
A team of CAAP experts worked for the USAD Fiscal Reform project, where they organized training and consulting for local public authorities to assist them in computerizing the system of budget monitoring, implementing accounting and budgeting practices, designing budgeting software, as well as learning computer skills. The project covered 7 localities. Training was delivered for the accounting and economic departments on how to fulfill different accounting and economic tasks, as well as on how to implement the treasury system at local level.
Research on Obstacles to Economic Growth in Moldova
Within the USAID Fiscal Reform Project a team of experts carried out research on Obstacles to Economic Growth in Moldova. The team performed a survey and research on the issue of legal and regulatory burdens on small and medium-sized business development. The results of the research were presented and discussed at high-level meetings with ministerial staff. The team also analyzed the competitiveness of Moldovan producers of canned fruits and vegetables and chicken meat both on domestic and foreign markets.
Analysis of Moldovan System of Social Protection
A team of experts analyzed Moldova’s Pension System within the USAID Fiscal Reform Project, identifying weaknesses and threats and formulating suggestions of improvement. Consultancy was also delivered to the USAID Law-Income and Social Assistance Project through managing the stages of data collection and analysis, as well as analysis of the legislation concerning the labor market and the system of social insurance and social assistance – all aimed at developing an efficient targeting program for social assistance. Later within the same project experts developed Model for Efficient Targeting of Social Assistance Benefits (METSA), which aimed at improving targeting of social assistance by introduction of means-testing instead of categorical approach.
Regulatory Reform and Regulatory Impact Assessment
A group of CAAP experts worked for Parliament Assistance Group within the Fiscal Reform Project in Moldova. They carried out review of legislative acts and policy initiatives revealing their impact on different sectors of economy. The group have been extensively involved and considerably contributed to drafting and assessing the impact of Tax Code of Moldova. At the same time experts provided legal assistance on tax and regulatory issues to businesses.